Jeep Cherokee 4WD System

No matter what year your Cherokee was made, and what options it has, one thing is sure. It has a Dana 30 front axle, with a vacuum disconnector. Now that system is connected to the transfer case with some vacuum tubes, which activate and deactivate the disconnector, which connects or disconnects the front right axleshaft to the differential. The tubes functions and colors are described below:

Green:From Transfer Case to Disconnector's port, closer to passenger's side tire. 2WD supply
Yellow:From Transfer Case to Disconnector's middle port. 4WD supply.
Black:From Disconnector's left port to 4WD light valve on right fender. 4WD light.
Blue:From Transfer Case to the right fender, ventilation only, with a black/black valve at the end.

If the tubes are not like that, your 4X4 will not work properly.

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