M-1911 Technical Issues

In this page you can find technical information related to the M-1911 Pistol. These data are selected from a wide range of sources, like catalogs, magazines etc. I cannot guarantee their accuracy, so I am not responsible for any problems that you might have with them, even if they come from some of the market experts. I am simply putting them here as information for visitors to consider. New items go at the top of this list, and are clearly marked. All links will open in a new window, close the new window to return here.

To download the blueprints, right-click on the link and choose "Save Target" or "Save Link Target". Make sure the file type is WMF and then save the file on your disk. Open it with an appropriate viewer, such as ACDSee. If for some reason you cannot get one of the files mentioned below (especially the blueprints), please and I'll send you the file.

The most instructional tool for understanding the 1911 (courtesy of STI International Inc.)
How to disassemble and reassemble your M1911 (courtesy of Sterling Roth and Tom)